Meet the Creators
Stuart Clifton
Managing Director
Our glorious leader, Stu is sometimes prone to donning a suit of armour and parading around the Baggot Street area on his white charger. A modern day Fortycoats if you will.
His astute brain and sharper wit give him the ability to know what’s right for our clients.
Aoife Kennedy
Senior Designer
A legendary singer and acoustic guitarist, with exceptional dance moves.
Aoife has a great eye for detail and accuracy. Aoife has lots of experience and has the flexibility to think differently about almost any project that she works on.
Cláudia Schoeman
Digital Designer
A big fan of skatewear and country and western music, Claudia sees everything in RGB. Somedays Claudia even comes to the studio as an actual pixel.
Claudia loves digital and is always looking for better ways to do things.
Head of HR
As head of HR Lola commands a lot of respect within the agency. Her shrill bark and sharp sense of authority mean that what she says usually goes, particularly if a tasty piece of ham or chicken is in the offing.
Lola is also somewhat prone to falling asleep at her desk. Beauty sleep she likes to call it.
Gary O’Connor
Client Services
Gary likes nothing better than a kick-about on the lane wearing his 1989-90 title-winning season Liverpool strip. Still fits him perfectly, so he says.
Gary has a great way with people and always exceeds our clients’ expectations.
Tom Quinn
Senior Designer
When he’s not honing his knife-throwing skills and listening to Lionel Ritchie, he’s busy at work cooking up stories about his former life as a lead singer in an Aphex twin tribute act.
An excellent team player who likes to get stuck into whatever needs to happen.
Karen Clarke
Finance & Accounts
Along with her superhuman powers from the Greek gods, Karen’s super fast neural capabilities at the financial side of the Dragon empire means that she is always on top and ahead of the game…
apart from that one time when she misplaced her shield down the chipper.
Britney Shears
Head of Garden Design & Maintenance
Britney is very single-minded in her focus. She is unmoved and dedicated to her role.
Britney has developed a really strong rapport with clients as she never reacts badly or takes things personally. Some might say that she never reacts much to anything.
Occasionally she bleats the occasional baa. A woman of few words.